The Western Journal - July 1, 2020
The recently released, wildly successful new political documentary “Uncle Tom: An Oral History of the American Black Conservative” is dismantling the Black Lives Matter narrative.
Made up of a series of interviews with various influential black conservatives such as Herman Cain and Candace Owens, “Uncle Tom” examines bigotry against black conservatives, African-American history and the power of individualism, and rejects the victim narrative propagated by left-wing groups such as Black Lives Matter.
Real Clear Politics - July 1, 2020
"The 'Uncle Tom' movie simply asks a very simple question: Why can't we have an intelligent, healthy discussion within the Black community without a whole cadre of well-educated, bright, thoughtful Black people being maligned and discarded as sellouts?" said Elder. "What's prompting this?"
It is an inspiring and optimistic film, a series of interviews with well-known and not-so-well-known Americans who think for themselves and refuse to see a victim when they look in the mirror. You'll see the courageous American economist and philosopher Thomas Sowell, a personal hero of mine.
WND - June 2020
In this eye-opening film from Director Justin Malone and Executive Producer Larry Elder, Uncle Tom examines self-empowerment, individualism and rejecting the victim narrative. Uncle Tom shows us a different perspective of American History from this often ignored and ridiculed group.
The Daily Wire - June 26, 2020
It’s a rare chance for pop culture to sit down and listen, really listen, to black Americans freed from the Democrats’ playbook. It’s both refreshing and enlightening, told by those whom the Left fears most — independent black Americans seeking their own solutions.
Breitbart - June 24, 2020
D Magazine - June 24, 2020
Justin Malone's documentary Uncle Tom: An Oral History of the American Black Conservative will screen this weekend as part of the in-theater(!) USA Film Festival.
BREITBART - June 23, 2020
Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder joined Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily to discuss the new documentary Uncle Tom, which examines the history of black conservatives.
L.A. Focus Newspaper - June 10, 2020
Conservative syndicated radio host, Larry Elder, has again taken his talents to the big screen, this time as executive producer and co-writer of Uncle Tom, a documentary feature that is predicted to get controversial reactions because of its title, content, and message.
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